Marketing Management

This department markets all types of real estate projects locally and internationally, whether for the individuals, or companies, by using the most recent marketing roads to reach to the required biggest section of customers, putting the strategic plans for the real estate marketing in view of future investing and commercial view, continuing in productive way with the customers for knowing their requirements, meeting the same, researching the real estate appropriate for the customers which conform with their desires, taking into account the type of required real estate, defined budget, and the investing aims for the real estate to determine the suitable location, and future aspirations, whereas we own a distinguished database of the offered real estate and its owners; and this enables us to reach to the required real estate in the quickest way as possible, putting the available choices in front of the customer to take the available investing decision. The process of researching for new lessees is of the greatest financial and personal challenges may be faced by the real estate owner. And till this process becomes free of pressures as possible, the company developed the approach of providing the real estate owners, through a carefully planned professional experience which is productive finally. The company’s team offers preparations for leasing the real estate through determining the strengths in terms of location, designation, public appearance, and otherwise, after making an estimation process to the same. The team offers a unique disposal of real estate with putting the recommendations which improve the process of marketing the same, for guaranteeing that all relative parties will receive the required message, the marketing department makes the advertising campaigns through the email related to the company, whereas the technical marketing official prepares a study determining the main potential customers of great real estate projects, then sending electronic messages to them indicating a group of photos of real estate attached with the necessary information, and details about the real estate, which enable it to communicate with the customers inside and outside the country.